Compare Quick view SIEMENS 6SL3224-0XE41-6UA0 ฿ 352,175 SIEMENS 6SL3224-0XE41-6UA0 SINAMICS G120 POWER MODULE PM240 WITHOUT FILTER, WITHOUT BULT IN BRAKING CHOPPER 3AC380-480V 3AC380-480V +10/-10% 47-63HZ OUTPUT HIGH OVERLOAD: 160KW FOR 160% 3S,136% 57S,100% 240S AMBIENT TEMP 0 TO... ฿ 352,175 Compare Quick view
Compare Quick view SIEMENS 6SL3224-0BE31-5AA0 ฿ 64,620 SIEMENS 6SL3224-0BE31-5AA0 SINAMICS G120 Power Module PM240 With integrated filter Cl. A With integrated braking chopper 380-480 V 3 AC +10/-10% 47-63 Hz Power high overload: 15 kW At 200% 3s, 150% 57s, 100% 240s Ambient... ฿ 64,620 Compare Quick view
Compare Quick view EUPEC TTB6C135N16LOF - Pre-owned Part, See Description ฿ 6,077 POWER BLOCK 135AMP 1600VU - This is a pre-owned part - All ÔUÕ suffix designated items are repackaged and may have been previously used in the field or used as demo units. Manuals and accessories provided with original units may not be available with... ฿ 6,077 Compare Quick view
Compare Quick view EUPEC TTB6C135N16LOF ฿ 12,134 POWER BLOCK 135AMP 1600VNew - These products are brand new in box, sealed where applicable. Units are covered by original equipment manufacturer (OEM) warranty as applicable. ฿ 12,134 Compare Quick view
Compare Quick view EUPEC TT500N16KOF - New (S2), See Description ฿ 71,383 THYRISTOR MODULE 500AMP 1600V S2 - All S2 designated products are new, never used items that will have been repackaged in Service-Asia or custom packaging. These surplus items may not come with manuals or other accessories that would normally be supplied... ฿ 71,383 Compare Quick view
Compare Quick view EUPEC TT500N16KOF ฿ 129,734 THYRISTOR MODULE 500AMP 1600VNew - These products are brand new in box, sealed where applicable. Units are covered by original equipment manufacturer (OEM) warranty as applicable. ฿ 129,734 Compare Quick view
Compare Quick view EUPEC TT162N12KOF ฿ 6,140 THYRISTOR MODULE 162AMP 1200VNew - These products are brand new in box, sealed where applicable. Units are covered by original equipment manufacturer (OEM) warranty as applicable. ฿ 6,140 Compare Quick view
Compare Quick view EUPEC TT104N14KOF - Pre-owned Part, See Description ฿ 4,549 POWER BLOCK 104AMP 3POLE 14KV/480VACU - This is a pre-owned part - All ÔUÕ suffix designated items are repackaged and may have been previously used in the field or used as demo units. Manuals and accessories provided with original units may not be... ฿ 4,549 Compare Quick view
Compare Quick view EUPEC TT104N14KOF - New (S2), See Description ฿ 4,785 POWER BLOCK 104AMP 3POLE 14KV/480VAC S2 - All S2 designated products are new, never used items that will have been repackaged in Service-Asia or custom packaging. These surplus items may not come with manuals or other accessories that would normally be... ฿ 4,785 Compare Quick view
Compare Quick view EUPEC TT104N14KOF ฿ 5,313 POWER BLOCK 104AMP 3POLE 14KV/480VACNew - These products are brand new in box, sealed where applicable. Units are covered by original equipment manufacturer (OEM) warranty as applicable. ฿ 5,313 Compare Quick view
Compare Quick view EEC AEG TT-60N-1200-KOC ฿ 9,064 POWER BLOCKNew - These products are brand new in box, sealed where applicable. Units are covered by original equipment manufacturer (OEM) warranty as applicable. ฿ 9,064 Compare Quick view
Compare Quick view EUPEC TD61N16KOF ฿ 4,741 POWER MODULE 120AMP 1600VNew - These products are brand new in box, sealed where applicable. Units are covered by original equipment manufacturer (OEM) warranty as applicable. ฿ 4,741 Compare Quick view