Compare Quick view TRIO MOTION TECHNOLOGY MC224 P170-02027 - Pre-Owned Part, See Description ₫ 32,923,096 TRIO MC224 P170-02027 Motion Coordinator Module, 24vdc, 32Bit pos count ** U - This is a pre-owned part - All ‘U’ suffix designated items are repackaged and may have been previously used in the field or used as demo units. Manuals and... ₫ 32,923,096 Compare Quick view
Compare Quick view COPLEY CONTROLS XSL-230-18 ₫ 40,203,101 CONTROLLER LEGACY XENUS PANEL SERVO DRIVE 240V 6ANew - These products are brand new in box, sealed where applicable. Units are covered by original equipment manufacturer (OEM) warranty as applicable. ₫ 40,203,101 Compare Quick view
Compare Quick view MITSUBISHI PD-21B - Pre-owned Part, See Description ₫ 63,262,858 POWER SUPPLY 5-24VDCU - This is a pre-owned part - All ÔUÕ suffix designated items are repackaged and may have been previously used in the field or used as demo units. Manuals and accessories provided with original units may not be available with... ₫ 63,262,858 Compare Quick view
Compare Quick view MITSUBISHI PD-21B - New (S2), See Description ₫ 69,589,272 POWER SUPPLY 5-24VDC S2 - All S2 designated products are new, never used items that will have been repackaged in Service-Asia or custom packaging. These surplus items may not come with manuals or other accessories that would normally be supplied when... ₫ 69,589,272 Compare Quick view
Compare Quick view EMERSON PCM-4 ₫ 33,221,045 SLIP COMPENSATOR CONTROL MODULENew - These products are brand new in box, sealed where applicable. Units are covered by original equipment manufacturer (OEM) warranty as applicable. ₫ 33,221,045 Compare Quick view
Compare Quick view MITSUBISHI MC616 - Pre-owned Part, See Description ₫ 12,262,828 CONTROL BOARD MEMORY UPGRADEU - This is a pre-owned part - All ÔUÕ suffix designated items are repackaged and may have been previously used in the field or used as demo units. Manuals and accessories provided with original units may not be available... ₫ 12,262,828 Compare Quick view
Compare Quick view MITSUBISHI MC616 ₫ 24,525,143 CONTROL BOARD MEMORY UPGRADENew - These products are brand new in box, sealed where applicable. Units are covered by original equipment manufacturer (OEM) warranty as applicable. ₫ 24,525,143 Compare Quick view
Compare Quick view MITSUBISHI MC301 - Pre-owned Part, See Description ₫ 27,055,144 I/O MODULEU - This is a pre-owned part - All ÔUÕ suffix designated items are repackaged and may have been previously used in the field or used as demo units. Manuals and accessories provided with original units may not be available with pre-owned parts... ₫ 27,055,144 Compare Quick view
Compare Quick view DANAHER MOTION M.1302.7479 ₫ 249,116,558 MMC MACHINE AND MOTION CONTROLS MMC-S8 8 AXIS SERCOS MMC SINGLE RINGNew - These products are brand new in box, sealed where applicable. Units are covered by original equipment manufacturer (OEM) warranty as applicable. ₫ 249,116,558 Compare Quick view
Compare Quick view SIEMENS LMV51.140C1 ₫ 80,466,201 CONTROL UNIT 110VNew - These products are brand new in box, sealed where applicable. Units are covered by original equipment manufacturer (OEM) warranty as applicable. ₫ 80,466,201 Compare Quick view
Compare Quick view KB ELECTRONICS KBVC-14 - Pre-owned Part, See Description ₫ 3,021,540 KB ELECTRONICS KBVC-14 - DC DRIVEU - This is a pre-owned part - All ÔUÕ suffix designated items are repackaged and may have been previously used in the field or used as demo units. Manuals and accessories provided with original units may not be... ₫ 3,021,540 Compare Quick view
Compare Quick view KB ELECTRONICS KBVC-14 ₫ 7,767,440 KB ELECTRONICS KBVC-14 - DC DRIVENew - These products are brand new in box, sealed where applicable. Units are covered by original equipment manufacturer (OEM) warranty as applicable. ₫ 7,767,440 Compare Quick view