Compare Quick view BRAY 521001-12624536 Rp 3,390,517 10-30VDC PROX SEN W/INDICATORNew - These products are brand new in box, sealed where applicable. Units are covered by original equipment manufacturer (OEM) warranty as applicable. Rp 3,390,517 Compare Quick view
Compare Quick view BRAY 630250-21401536 Rp 2,270,449 24VDC SER63 SOLENOID NEMA4New - These products are brand new in box, sealed where applicable. Units are covered by original equipment manufacturer (OEM) warranty as applicable. Rp 2,270,449 Compare Quick view
Compare Quick view BRAY 630250-21401536 - New (S2), See Description Rp 1,248,526 24VDC SER63 SOLENOID NEMA4 S2 - All S2 designated products are new, never used items that will have been repackaged in Service-Asia or custom packaging. These surplus items may not come with manuals... Rp 1,248,526 Compare Quick view
Compare Quick view BRAY 630250-21401536 - Pre-owned Part, See Description Rp 1,134,979 24VDC SER63 SOLENOID NEMA4U - This is a pre-owned part - All ÔUÕ suffix designated items are repackaged and may have been previously used in the field or used as demo units. Manuals and accessories... Rp 1,134,979 Compare Quick view
Compare Quick view BRAY 630250-21410536 Rp 3,179,972 120V NEMA4 3WIRE SOLENOIDNew - These products are brand new in box, sealed where applicable. Units are covered by original equipment manufacturer (OEM) warranty as applicable. Rp 3,179,972 Compare Quick view
Compare Quick view BRAY 630250-21440536 Rp 2,925,679 24V. SOLENOID NEMA IVNew - These products are brand new in box, sealed where applicable. Units are covered by original equipment manufacturer (OEM) warranty as applicable. Rp 2,925,679 Compare Quick view
Compare Quick view BRAY 630250-21520536 Rp 1,922,762 1/4" 120V DIN CONNECT SOLENOIDNew - These products are brand new in box, sealed where applicable. Units are covered by original equipment manufacturer (OEM) warranty as applicable. Rp 1,922,762 Compare Quick view
Compare Quick view BRAY 630250-21524536 Rp 2,319,439 SOLENOID VALVENew - These products are brand new in box, sealed where applicable. Units are covered by original equipment manufacturer (OEM) warranty as applicable. Rp 2,319,439 Compare Quick view
Compare Quick view BRAY 700061113D053 Rp 20,480,571 ACTUATORNew - These products are brand new in box, sealed where applicable. Units are covered by original equipment manufacturer (OEM) warranty as applicable. Rp 20,480,571 Compare Quick view
Compare Quick view BRAY 90-1180-21330-532 Rp 10,559,708 ACTUATOR VALVE PNEUMATIC 140PSI MAXNew - These products are brand new in box, sealed where applicable. Units are covered by original equipment manufacturer (OEM) warranty as applicable. Rp 10,559,708 Compare Quick view
Compare Quick view BRAY 9000D1-22600536 Rp 790,569 MOUNTING HARDWARE 31 8"New - These products are brand new in box, sealed where applicable. Units are covered by original equipment manufacturer (OEM) warranty as applicable. Rp 790,569 Compare Quick view
Compare Quick view BRAY 92-0630-11300-532 Rp 4,212,873 PNEUMATIC ACTUATORNew - These products are brand new in box, sealed where applicable. Units are covered by original equipment manufacturer (OEM) warranty as applicable. Rp 4,212,873 Compare Quick view